Why Perception Matters In Outbound?

+ how you should go about competition in the market...


It’s Avik here from The Outbound Letter.

In today’s edition, we’re going to cover:

  • Dealing with competition

  • Collecting market feedback

  • Cold email perception

And much, much more.

Actionable Tip Of The Week: Collect Market Feedback

If you’re struggling to hit your pipeline goals, maximize your team’s potential, or simply get good replies on your outbound efforts, try focusing on collecting feedback from your market.

This is so simple yet neglected by a lot of people. Do it once and you can make a lot of money.

Here’s how you can go about collecting feedback from your customers or even from someone who is not your customer:

  1. Incentivize the leaders in your industry to get on a call and talk about a given topic: this allows you to get the insights that you won’t get otherwise.

  2. If you’re getting negative responses, ask for their honest feedback and implement that feedback next time.

  3. Interview your customers and learn why they purchased what you have and how their life has changed.

  1. Is content king? And, how can you use it to your advantage? (link)

What Matters The Most?


I have seen guys (and girls too) focus too much on perfecting their outbound message.

<100 words, pattern interruption in subject lines, great CTA: they focus on all these things. They want to make sure everything is perfect.

And, despite doing this, I have seen them struggle to get the desired result.

What went wrong here? These are some of the best practices that have been proven to work again and again, so why am I struggling?

When writing a message, people often focus on making it sound like the next best thing after sliced bread.

It doesn’t matter how perfect your email or message is if it is not perceived as you want by your prospects.

You need to prioritize speaking the language/jargon that your target market uses, and the way they are used to doing certain things(you can’t change someone’s belief over a cold email or LinkedIn message).

Compare these two and you will understand what I am saying here:

“We’ll help you save up to $300k per year on accountants using our accounting system trained on more than 500,000+ real-world data.”


“We’ll install our 3-step hyper-profitable proprietary AI accounting system(backed by Sam Altman) to help you save up to $300k per year”

In both cases, the process is the same and both are trying to address the same thing. By simply speaking in a language that’s easy to perceive, the first offer will always win over the second one.


“My competition has been already doing outbound for a long time and I can’t stand out from the crowd as it’s too late.” You might have said this or heard someone saying this.

For people who think that way, I want you to remember, “Competition is just a state of mind”.

Yes, I understand it is hard when you’re competing with huge brand names.

Even if they are doing whatever you’re afraid to do, it might not always be perfect and you will get opportunities to fill those gaps in the market.

In most cases, your perception of competition is altered or controlled by your mindset. The competition just exists in your mind.

You shouldn’t think about the competition as a roadblock. Rather, it should be a new starting point for you. Take it as an opportunity to think differently.

That being said, yes, your prospect’s inbox is always filled with messages trying to sell them something or get their attention.

So, how should you go about dealing with competition?

You need to write in a way that the prospect perceives what you have as the next best thing after sliced bread.

You do this by going out in the market, testing different ideas every single day, iterating those ideas based on the feedback, and then repeating it again and again.

How Can I Help

If you like this newsletter and you want to work with me, there are a few ways we can do so:

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube

    • I’ll be posting a TON of valuable content on YouTube over the next few months. If you’re someone just getting started with outbound or an experienced one looking to level up, be sure to stay tuned.

  2. Connect with me on Linkedin for daily insights

  3. Book a discovery call - We’ll learn about your current situation and see if there’s a way we can partner.